Zapraszamy na wykład prof. dr hab. Szymona Uścinowicza pt. „Kiedy Zatoka Pucka była jeziorem” do OŁF w Rzucewie

As part of the project „Creation of a didactic path in the Cultural Park Osada Łowców Fok in Rzucewo and a tourist information point in Osłonin”, we cordially invite you to participate in information, promotion and training activities in the Park in Rzucewo and the tourist information point in Osłonin.

On Tuesday, July 5 at At 2 p.m. we would like to invite you to the Seal Hunters’ Cultural Park in Rzucewo for a lecture entitled „When Zatoka Pucka was a lake”. The meeting will be chaired by prof. dr hab. Szymon Uścinowicz.

You’re welcome.



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