Relacja z „Sobótki u Łowców Fok” Rzucewo 2022

Traditionally, on the eve of St. John, Midsummer Night in the Cultural Park in Rzucewo, a Saturday evening Sobótka at the Seal Hunters was organized. The event was officially started by the deputy mayor of the Puck commune, Mr. Piotr Neubauer, and the mayor of Rzucewo, Mrs. Anna Busz, by lighting a St. John’s fire.

The organizers have prepared a number of attractions for the guests. The participants of the Saturday night were entertained by the performances of the regional Kashubian Bursztynki choir from Mieroszyn, the Pűrtce cabaret and dance music provided by DJ Pacio. You could also take part in numerous skill games, look for hidden fern flowers or apply for a laurel in a competition for the most beautiful midsummer wreath. The firefighters from the Volunteer Fire Department in Żelistrzewo also joined the mainstream of games and competitions.

Late in the evening, all prepared wreaths were solemnly released into the waters of the bay by local girls dressed as nymphs by the light of torches.
Sobótka at the Seal Hunters in Rzucewo was run by Wiesława Roszman-Selin, an employee of OKSiT in the Puck Commune. The gastronomic side of the event was taken care of by the ladies of the Housewives’ Association from Rzucewo, who offered home-made pastries and drinks, and the Kuchnia u Kaszuba restaurant from Reda, serving, among others, fish in various forms and grilled dishes. The feast by the bay by the fire and the sounds of music lasted until late at night, and as every year, the participants returned home satisfied and full of impressions.


"Sobótka u Łowców Fok" in Rzucewo - part 1




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